Untitled (PET Series)


Artist: Mary Hambleton 
Title: Untitled (PET Series), 2014
Archival inkjet on Epson Enhanced Matte paper, 6 x 9 in.
Edition of 10, with certificate of authenticity

Limited edition print produced in conjunction with the exhibition A Riveder le Stelle | Mary Hambleton and Sara MacLean, curated by Heather Nicol. Archivally printed on Epson Enhanced Matte paper in an edition of 10, the image was originally created by Hambleton as a work on paper with the intent to produce a print edition. 

Edition produced by TYPOLOGY Projects under the authorization of Ken Buhler / Estate of Mary Hambleton, NY. Original work on paper (gouache on digital print) created 2006–2008 by Mary Hambleton.

A certificate of authenticity is included with each print. Available unframed only at this time (we will be adding custom archival framing options in the future).

About the Artist:

Mary Hambleton (1952–2009) was based in Brooklyn and exhibited her work in the US and abroad at venues including Leslie Heller Gallery, Littlejohn Contemporary, and Pamela Auchincloss Gallery (New York), and the Machida City Museum (Tokyo).  Her many honours include the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial, Adolph Esther Gottlieb Foundation, and two Pollock-Krasner awards.

Hambleton’s long-standing interest in scientific observation, from astronomy to biology, was expressed through the language of painterly abstraction over her lifetime. Diagnosed with advanced melanoma in 2002, she defied the odds, living another seven years. After the onset of her illness she slowly began to include images of extinct species, arcane scientific mythologies, and then, later, medical scans of her body, such as in this example from her PET Series dating from 20062008

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