Zebra Copy Card
Digital print on matte cardstock, 4 x 6 in.
Edition of 100
Is seeing believing? Playing on the possibilities and implications born of optical illusions, Zebra Copy Card documents the transformation of one animal into another in response to political realities.
Produced in conjunction with the exhibition We Look At Animals Because (Critical Distance, January 25-March 25, 2018). In partnership with South Asian Visual Arts Centre (SAVAC), We Look At Animals Because was an exhibition that gazed on animality. Through the lens of spectatorship, the show explored the shifting ways in which animals are regarded, represented and accorded meaning in post-industrial landscapes. Exhibiting photographs, video, works on paper, and sculpture, the featured artists reveal the nuanced, complicated and unexpected paradoxes that mark our relationships with cosmopolitan animals.
About the Artist:Khaled Hourani is based in Ramallah, Palestine, and has exhibited widely including a retrospective at the CCA in Glasgow and Gallery One in Ramallah, dOCUMENTA (13), and the 2011 Sharjah Biennial. He is a co-founder of the International Academy of Art in Palestine and recently received the Leonore Annenberg Prize by Creative Time for Art and Social Change, New York.